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- Montréal, 23 August 1988
- With utilities such as DOS-2-DOS or with a modem, it is possible
- to convert Amiga Word Perfect files to MS-DOS WP files; lucky
- english-speaking WP users can have the best of two worlds and don't
- have to buy a PC clone to do buisiness.
- Unfortunately, these utilities will not properly convert the
- accented characters of other languages because the ASCII codes have
- not been standardised. Obviously, a conversion program is needed.
- AM-PC will do all of the 13 french accented characters both
- ways. It is a C version of an earlier AmigaBASIC program. Why C ?
- For a 60K file, this baby needs only 6 seconds instead of 12
- minutes! The source code can be readily modified to accomodate
- non-WP files or even other accented languages such as Spanish,
- Islandic, you name it. Be warned that that some "invisible" ASCII
- codes were shifted by -64 for conversion purposes.
- For a conversion, first do the accented characters in Amiga mode
- with AM-PC, then use DOS-2-DOS or a modem to convert the disk
- format to MS-DOS. Here is how to use AM-PC: enter "am-pc" to get a
- help screen (in French, bien sûr, mon ami).
- 1> am-pc >Destfile Sourcefile n
- where: * ">" redirects the output to Destfile. Without it, AM-PC
- will print to the screen.
- NOTE: Error messages will end up in Destfile. Check the
- byte number of both Source and Destfile: it should be
- exactly the same.
- * Sourcefile is the file to convert.
- * if n = 1, the direction is Amiga -> PC.
- if n = 2, it is PC -> Amiga.
- example:
- 1> am-pc >ram:cv1 df1:myfile 1
- will convert "myfile"in drive df1: to "cv1"in RAM: from
- Amiga to PC. To speed up conversion, do all the work in the
- ram disk. It is 10 times faster than a disk drive.
- For comments or more info, send a message.
- -*=*- Michel Laliberté -*=*-